Ways a Storage Unit Can Help Take Your Life to a Better Place

It may not appear that a simple storage unit could mean so much, however, it can take your life in a very different direction, and even help your physical or mental health!  Here are some and sensible ways in which obtaining a storage unit can take you to a far better place.

  • Organize Your Stress Away

Seems awfully weird, however, an untidy home could cause stress!  If you are a scholar with more antiques than you can handle, or somebody feeling crowded with everyday stuff, calm your mind with a storage unit.  (Source:  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)

  • Be Healthier

Those who love to spend time exercising outdoors among trees might experience a boost to their immune system.  As nice as that sounds, outdoor enthusiasts own lots of gear that is infamous for cluttering closets and garages. With a storage unit, you will be able to be happy to enjoy the benefits of hiking, biking or kayaking while keeping your home a little more civilized.(Source:  International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology via US National Library of Medicine)

  • Escape the “Real” Pain of Letting Go

Scientists using brain imaging have discovered that getting rid of stuff may really cause you physical pain! If you are the sentimental type, free your home of clutter without any of the pain.  (Source:  Yale School of Medicine via Psychology Today)

  • Find Your inner Peace

You’re a minimalist deep down, however, you would like a little help making the necessary sparseness at home a reality.  A storage unit can help free you to embrace mindful simplicity in your home life.

  • Downsize on Your Own Schedule

For downsizing empty nesters, the world is jam-packed with possibilities.  But your home is full of stuff!  If your downsizing dreams won’t wait, place your belongings in a storage unit and take it slow going through everything.

  • Get Paid to Work Remotely

Employers have finally realized that gifted free spirits can travel the globe and still get a paycheck for doing great work.  Don’t attempt to tame yourself. Instead, place your things in a storage unit, and take an unforgettable year with other free spirits!

  • Read Well, Sleep Well

Scholars with thousands of volumes do one thing right.  E-books can take up less space, however reading on a screen will keep you awake and impact your health!  Once you run out of the space at home, keep those favorite books snuggled safely within a storage unit.  (Source:  Harvard Medical School)

  • Let your inner “Clark Griswold” Out

The holiday enthusiasts of America have inspired beings.  However, sometimes spouses don’t appreciate all the clutter that comes with those plastic reindeer and shining snowmen.  Keep the spousal peace with a storage unit, and let your home shine brightly as a holiday destination.

  • Have a Better Relationship with your Mom and Dad

Millennials moving back in with their folks don’t have to upset the balance at home.  Simply take the bare necessities with you to your Mom and Dad’s place, and store the remainder.  After all, if you nest too long, you’ll be less motivated to get your own place again!

  • Dream “BIG”

You may be reading this on a device that was invented by somebody who started a company in their garage.  Eventually, we have a tendency to outgrow our home offices.  Storage units are excellent for capturing the overflow from your inner entrepreneur, allowing you to grow as you please.

No matter what your storage unit personality is, we hope that you’re going to notice all the most effective way to use a storage unit to make your life even better!