“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”
While Peter Pan’s J.M. Barrie may not have been referring to the things around your house, we still think it could apply.
Here are five things from your childhood you ought to never throw away because “going away means forgetting”
- Trophies and awards
Where you the “Student of the Month” in third grade? While this may not be something you put on your resume, keeping awards from your childhood may be a fun way to travel down memory lane. So if you were a straight A student, all-star athlete, science fair winner, or anything else deserving of a trophy, or ribbon growing up, then hold onto those memories.
- Artwork
Instead of discarding all of your childhood drawings and paintings, store them away for nostalgia’s sake. Here is a link to The Artful Parent – 21 Ideas to Display Kids Artwork.
- Yearbooks
From college to elementary school, yearbooks are definitely something worth keeping. Not only do they have photos of the good old days, they also include nice messages from your childhood friends and teachers who signed them for you.
- Sentimental clothing
Not just any article of clothing, keep the special things that you wouldn’t mind passing down. This might include hand-loomed sweaters or outfits worn during important events like religious ceremonies, birthdays, or weddings. It may also include athletic uniforms, like the one you wore throughout the big game!
- Things that you could not live without growing up
Whether it’s your favorite stuffed animal or blanket, we all have something that we took everywhere growing up. No need to get rid of it simply because you’re older. Keep your special childhood item just for memories or to pass them down to your kids.